In the dynamic realm of plant cultivation, achieving the perfect nutrient mixture is an art that allows for flexibility within the pH scale. While the ideal pH is 5.8, a range of 5.5 to 6.5 recognizes life's imperfections, ensuring your plants flourish throughout their lifecycle.
Clones/Seedlings (Target: 500 - 600ppm)
Nurturing clones and seedlings demands a gentle yet effective nutrient concentration of around 600 parts per million (ppm). This ensures essential elements for early growth without overwhelming the delicate plants.
Vegetative Stage (Target: 800 - 1000ppm)
As your plants transition to the vegetative stage, a recommended nutrient concentration of approximately 800ppm provides a solid foundation. For larger plants, a slight adjustment to 1000ppm ensures sustained and vigorous growth.
Flowering Stage (Target: 1000 - 1200ppm)
Transforming your garden into a blossoming haven requires maintaining a nutrient concentration around 1000ppm to support the flowering stage. Those aiming for maximum yield can consider a cautious increase to a maximum of 1200ppm, ensuring robust and bountiful flowering.