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pH and TDS Testers for cannabis weed

In the intricate art of cannabis cultivation, precision becomes paramount. Two essential tools stand as sentinels in the pursuit of optimal growth and yield: the pH and TDS pens.

The pH Tester

Understanding pH: pH, or potential hydrogen, measures the acidity or alkalinity of your nutrient solution. This metric profoundly influences nutrient absorption and microbial activity in the root zone.

A pH tester becomes your compass, navigating the delicate balance required for nutrient availability. Deviations from the optimal pH range can result in nutrient deficiencies or toxicities, hindering plant development.

Regular pH monitoring allows for real-time adjustments, ensuring your plants receive a tailored environment for nutrient uptake and metabolic processes.

Investing in a quality pH tester is crucial. While various options are available online, it is advisable to aim for the $70CAD mark for a reliable tool. Testing should occur after nutrient mixing, as the introduction of nutrients can alter pH levels. Coco Coir cultivation targets a pH range of 5.5 to 5.8, while soil cultivation aims for 6.0 to 6.5.

PROPER STORAGE: To maintain the accuracy of your pH tester, store it in an Electrode Storage Solution unless the tester has a Dry Storage Probe.

CALIBRATION is essential, and should be done every so often. Some people calibrate it weekly, some do it monthly, and this is achieved by calibrating using a bottle of pH BUFFER pH 7 solution and BUFFER pH 4 solution. It is recommend to always do a 2 point calibration. Some testers will even do a 3 point calibration needing BUFFER pH 10 solution.

The TDS Tester

Deciphering TDS: Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) indicate the concentration of dissolved minerals in your water or nutrient solution. A TDS tester measures conductivity, offering insights into nutrient strength.

Critical Insights: TDS testers empower cultivators to gauge nutrient concentration accurately. Interpret TDS readings to make adjustments based on the specific needs of plants at different growth stages.

Selecting a Quality TDS Tester: Similar to pH pens, investing in a reliable TDS tester is crucial. The $70CAD range is a suitable benchmark. Considerations for nutrient adjustments based on PPM readings are crucial—reverse osmosis water yields low PPM readings, necessitating additional nutrients, while tap water with high PPM requires careful nutrient mixing.

Calibration Solution for TDS Tester: Maintain the precision of your PPM tester with a bottle of PPM TDS Calibration Solution.

The pH and TDS pens, when used harmoniously, provide a comprehensive understanding of your plant's environment. pH dictates nutrient accessibility, while TDS ensures a balanced nutrient composition.

Armed with these pens, cultivators gain mastery over their craft. The precision offered by pH and TDS monitoring transforms cultivation into a nuanced science, fostering an environment where plants flourish and reach their full potential.